
TheMissour iUFOCrashthatl [アイドル]

The Missouri UFO Crash that led to Alien Reproduction Vehicles

The U.S. has seemingly been reverse-engineering E.T. tech since 1942. Almost everyone knows about Roswell, but this was preceded by another flying saucer crash at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, in 1942. A local preacher, Reverend William Huffman, was called out one night to perform last rites over the victims of what he was told was an airplane crash. When he arrived, he found that the “airplane” was a disk shaped craft, there were three non-human victims of the crash that looked like the typical “Greys”, and the craft had strange runic hieroglyphs all over it.

tag: Strange UFO Crashes with Runic Hieroglyphs on it,The Secret Alien Reproduction Vehicles,Extraterrestrial Technologies and Uses,Secret Government UFO Technologies
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